SAM-O SE-NET Protocol


SE-NET communication protocol is driver to communicate with various controllers(SIDC/FCU-2000 etc) which are produced/sold at SAM-O SYSTEM, through Ethernet.

<Figure 1> is read setting example of SE-NET (SiBAS Ethernet) protocol.


1. Read settings
<Figure 1> Read setting example of SE-NET protocol

Device setting of <Figure 1> input Connection type(TCP/IP), IP address of PLC(, TCP service port(fixed to 1400) respectively.

Also, you can enter last IP number of system and last IP number of SE-NET device which are trying to read data by classifying as comma, at Option part.


Input example) 4, 36,

 4 : Last IP number of computer.

36 : Last IP number of SE-NET device.


SE-NET driver's read schedule

Read schedule setting parameters are as follows :

1) STATION – STATION number of each controller.

2) COMMAND – Data type to read.

AI, AO, AD : Reading analog value.

BI, BO, BD : Reading digital value.

SR, SB, SW, SF, SD : Reading system data as RAW(SR), BYTE(SB), WORD(SW), FLOAT(SF), DWORD(SD) form.

3) Read Start Address – Address to read by data type to read(0 ~ ).

4) Save Start Address for Communication Server - Position of ScanBuf to save read data.

5) Read Size – Data size to read.


READ example)

READ,   1,   AI,       0,         0,           40,

READ,   1,   AD,      0,          40,        40,

READ,   1,   BI,       0,          80,        40,

READ,   1,   BD,      0,          120,      40,

READ,   1,   SW,      0,          160,      10,


2. Writing settings

You can control analog/digital pointer and output the data of system area as form of BYTE, WORD, DWORD etc by using SE-NET protocol.


Digital Write

Digital write setting parameters are as follows :

1) PORT : PORT number.

2) STATION : STATION number of controller connected to SE-NET.

3) ADDRESS : Each point or output address of system area.

4) EXTRA1 : Point type to output or data type of system area.

AI, AO, AD, BI, BO, BD : Write analog/digital value.

SR, SB, SW, SF, SD : Write system data as RAW(SR), BYTE(SB), WORD(SW), FLOAT(SF), DWORD(SD) form.

5) EXTRA2 : Don't care.


Write example 1)

PORT : 0  STATION : 1  ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : BO 

If you set as above and write digital value, you can control(ON/OFF) 1st BO value of no.1 STATION controller connected with SE-NET SYSTEM.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0  STATION : 2  ADDRESS : 0015  EXTRA1 : BO 

If you set as above and write digital value, you can control(ON/OFF) 16th BO point of no.2 STATION controller connected with SE-NET SYSTEM.


Analog Write

Analog write setting parameters are as follows: 

1) PORT : PORT number.

2) STATION : STATION number of controller connected to SE-NET.

3) ADDRESS : Each point or output address of system area.

4) EXTRA1 : Point type to output or data type of system area.

AI, AO, AD, BI, BO, BD : Write analog/digital value.

SR, SB, SW, SF, SD : Write system data as RAW(SR), BYTE(SB), WORD(SW), FLOAT(SF), DWORD(SD) form.

5) EXTRA2 : Don't care.


Write example 1)

PORT : 0  STATION : 1  ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : AO 

If you set as above and write analog value, you can change 1st AO value of no.1 STATION controller connected with SE-NET SYSTEM, as set value.


Write example 2)

PORT : 0  STATION : 2  ADDRESS : 0015  EXTRA1 : AO 

If you set as above and write analog value, you can change 16th AO point of no.2 STATION controller connected with SE-NET SYSTEM, as set value.


Write example 3)

PORT : 0  STATION : 1 ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : SW 

If you set as above and write analog value, you can change 1st WORD value of SE-NET SYSTEM data area as set value.


Write example 4)

PORT : 0  STATION : 1 ADDRESS : 0000  EXTRA1 : SD 

If you set as above and write analog value, you can change 1st DWORD value of SE-NET SYSTEM data area as set value.